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The Power of Pre JYM
No Proprietary Blends
Look at the supplement facts panel on your favorite pre-workout product and you'll most likely see the term “proprietary blend.” Supplement companies want you to think this means they've created a special blend of ingredients that magically work together to deliver unique results. Because this blend is so amazing, they have to keep the amounts of each ingredient secret so no other company steals the formula.
The truth, however, is that propriety blends can serve a different purpose. They allow some supplement companies to hide how little of each ingredient they've actually put in a product. This can result in cheap, under-dosed, ineffective supplements.
Pre JYM doesn't use proprietary blends. Take a look at the supplement facts panel and you'll see the actual amounts of all 13 ingredients. I have nothing to hide. I'm proud of the amount of each and every ingredient I've included.
Proper Amounts
For the reasons detailed above, many supplement companies are moving toward transparency and axing proprietary blends. That's a good thing. However, some of these companies are still guilty of grossly under-dosing ingredients.

JYM Supplement Science Pre JYM, 30 Servings

$49.87 Regular Price
$22.00Sale Price
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